Besides trying to lose the same 30 lbs I've been carrying around for the last 15 other New Year's Resolution is to post on this blog more. I'll either post the latest book I've just read (I have read 44 books in 2007. I am shooting for 52 books in 2008). Or I'll post my latest attempt at cooking/baking.
Since I haven't been posting on my own blog, these are the ones I've been reading:
The Pioneer Woman Cooks This is a wonderful blog with great step by step pictures. Very helpful for those who might be afraid of cooking.
Smitten Kitchen This site has great recipes that I like to read and usually do not attempt.
Dorie Greenspan Dorie is a modern day Renaissance woman. She writes
Cook Books
for herself and
Cook Books for others
. She is on
Serious Eats,
Epicurious. This woman gets around. Plus she takes great pictures and knows the coolest people.